Application of Reach Distance Data for Improving Workstation of Korat Noodle Packing


  • Papatsorn Tantiwong Institute of Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology
  • Kamonmanee Suksai Institute of Engineering Suranaree University of Technology
  • Nidchada Raksasombat Institute of Engineering Suranaree University of Technology
  • Pradubdao Duangtho Institute of Engineering Suranaree University of Technology
  • Pornsiri Jongkol Institute of Engineering Suranaree University of Technology


ergonomics, workstation, reach distance


This research is exploratory and experimental. The objectives were to study discomfort in different body parts caused by working in Korat noodle production and improve the work station by using reach data and changing the equipment position to reduce work injuries. Subjects were ten female operators who worked in a community product group. Discomfort data were recorded using an evaluation form of musculoskeletal disorder. There are three measurements of reach, ordinary, maximum and extreme. The angle of arms reaches ranges from 0 to 120 degrees. Working time was also recorded. Then, the workstation and work method were improved. The result showed that ordinary reach was the greatest at 30 degrees. Maximum was the greatest at 60 degrees, whereas extreme was the greatest at 90 degrees. The musculoskeletal disorder evaluation revealed that most workers had lower back injury or discomfort. In addition, the worker also experienced pain in other parts of the body such as the knee, risk, upper arm, forearm, and shoulder. After improving the workstation, the discomfort levels of workers decreased. Elimination of unnecessary motion and reduction of work steps helped reduce the packing time of 150 noodle bags from 2 hours 42 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes.


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How to Cite

Tantiwong, P., Suksai, K., Raksasombat, N., Duangtho, P., & Jongkol, P. (2022). Application of Reach Distance Data for Improving Workstation of Korat Noodle Packing. EAU Heritage Journal Science and Technology (Online), 16(1), 114–126. Retrieved from



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