
Increase the number of reviewers

Since Volume 16, Issue 1 (January-April 2022), articles in the journal have undergone peer review by a panel of three qualified experts in the relevant field. This change represents an adjustment from the previous practice of having the evaluation conducted by at least two qualified reviewers.  (Guide for Authors)

1 April 2021

Changing International Standard Numbers

The journal has cancelled the use of the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for both the print version (ISSN 2286-6175) and the online version (E-ISSN 2651-1738). A new E-ISSN (Online) has been requested, which is E-ISSN 3027-7221, to align with the English title of the journal. This change will be effective starting from Volume 18, Issue 1 (January-April 2024).

1 March 2024