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สุภาพร แนวบุตร


This one group pre-test and post-test study design to examine the effect of thalassemia health
education program on healthcare providers; to compare mean score of the knowledge, attitude and
practice to provide advice on thalassemia of health care providers between before and after program
and to examine the health care providers’ program satisfaction and self-evaluation. Subjects were 73
village health volunteers at Wang-ie-tog health promotion hospital, Phitsanulok province. The subject
participated in 2 times (for September, 2014 to January, 2015) of thalassemia health education program
with cartoon animation, cartoon books, brochures and posters. Research tool used to measure before and
after was questionnaire of knowledge, attitude and practice to provide advice on thalassemia. Data were
analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
The results found that mean score of the knowledge, attitude and practice to provide advice on
thalassemia was significantly increased after received health education program at p-value < 0.001,
(t = -13.27, t= -5.53 and t = -9.86). The result of program evaluation and self- evaluation of health
care providers were also found that after training, the subjects were very satisfactory as most all areas
including book, video-based training, media training, method to transfer knowledge, technique used to
convey knowledge, difficulty to convey knowledge and the ability to convey.The results of this study
indicated that nurses and health care providers should apply the thalassemia health education program
as a valuable complementary approach for controlling and screening thalassemia among the risk persons
and pregnancy women.

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บทความวิจัย (Research articles)


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