Cognitive behavior Therapy with Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less Herb Product : Quitter reflections -

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Natika Rachabootr



Counseling based on the concept of cognitive behavior therapy with the use of Vernonia Cinerea (L.) Less Thai Herb Product can help people with smoking behavior change their thinking. There is a change in the thought process that makes more sense. It gives them more ways to deal with their problems, accept and understand their own problems with smoking. There is a clearer goal to stop smoking. Have the skills to manage suffering from the urge to smoke. Moreover, Vernonia Cinerea (L.) Less Thai Herb Product is great for relieving suffering from nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Makes it possible to quit smoking continuously. The qualifications of the counselor are training in knowledge, process, and counseling skills based on the concept of cognitive behavior therapy. Have knowledge about Thai such as, Vernonia Cinerea (L.) Less Thai Herb Product. This consists of 6 steps: Step 1: Build a relationship and set a goal to stop smoking. Step 2: Provide knowledge about cigarettes, the harms, symptoms, and effects of smoking and determine a plan to stop smoking. Step 3: Provide knowledge about thoughts related to smoking addiction. Step 4: Practice skills in managing upsetting symptoms with thought change techniques. Step 5: Practice skills for managing symptoms. Suffering from symptoms of smoking withdrawal with behavior modification techniques. Step 6: Practice skills to prevent smoking again. and follow up on treatment results. This can be adjusted according to the suitability of the client’s needs. Evaluation therapy with the development of flexible thinking, reasoning, emotional management, Smoking addiction behavior and quality of life.

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