Community Potential Development for Managing Infectious Waste After Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in Isan Sub-District, Mueang District, Buriram Province

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Prasit Sripadung
Phatcharee Srikuta


This participatory action research aims to study the community context, to develop community potential in infectious waste management and to study the results of the development after the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Isan Sub-district, Mueang District, Buriram Province. The target group of this research was comprising of 40 Ban Nong Phong community leaders, Isan sub-district. The research was carried out between November 2022 to May 2023. There were 3 Phases; Phase 1 Community and current situation regarding community infectious waste, Phase 2 Development of community potential in infectious waste management using the Quality Management Process; PDCA with 4 steps: Plan, Do, Check and Act. Also, applying the theory of Self-Efficiency and Phase 3 to study the results of community potential development in infectious waste management. Tools used to collect data included: secondary data record form, guideline for group discussion, self-questionnaire, activity participation observation form and the researcher's diary filed note. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. Quantitative data were analyzed by number, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the development results were compared with the Paired t-test. The results showed that after the development process, the target groups had increased the mean scores of knowledges, self-efficacy and results expectations than before the development at a statistically significant, except the participation in community infectious waste management whose mean scores were not different from those before and provide communities with infectious waste management guidelines that can be implemented in accordance with the community context. Setting guidelines for community infectious waste management should be integrated with existing projects in the community. There should be support from government agencies and the private sectors in the area to carry out activities to achieve the goals of community infectious waste management.

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