Effect of Health Promotion Program of Conjunction and Time Capsule Innovation for Uncontrolled Diabetic Type 2 Patients in Wangyai Sub-District Health Promotion Hospital, Phetchabun Province
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Diabetes is a significant world health problem, and complications occur when uncontrolled. This research purpose is to study the effect of a health promotion program of conjunction and time capsule innovation on uncontrolled diabetic type 2 patients in Wangyai Sub-District Health Promotion Hospital, Phetchabun Province. This is quasi-experimental research with two groups of 70 people, consisting of 35 experimental groups and 35 compared groups. The experimental group received a program created by researchers. It takes 10 weeks to complete the experimental process, including media lecture activities, dining, and practice using Time capsules innovation for taking medicines. Stress management, exercise, maintaining personal hygiene, doctor's appointments, knowledge sharing, and the comparison group were treated as usual. The data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed using techniques such as the independent t-test and the paired t-test. The statistical significance level was set at 0.05.
The results found that: after the experiment, the experimental group had the mean scores of knowledge,perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived beneficence, and self-care practices higher than before the experiment and were statistically significantly higher than the comparison group,
p < 0.001, and after the experiment The experimental group had lower mean blood sugar (FBS) than before the experiment, which was statistically significant (MD 28.80, 95% CI = 21.56 to 36.04; p < 0.001) and lower than the comparison group, which was statistically significant (MD 31.69, 95%CI = 26.46 to 36.91; p < 0.001). Therefore, the program can be used as a guideline for caring for diabetic patients. so that diabetic patients have appropriate self-care behaviors. As a result, the treatment is more effective.
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