Factors related to quality of life of the elderly, Na Fai Subdistrict, Chaiyaphum Province
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This descriptive research aimed to study the factors related to the quality of life of the elderly in Na Fai subdistrict, Chaiyaphum province, having the sample of 311 elderly people. A multi-stage cluster sampling method was used. The research tool, in accordance with the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL – BREF – THAI), was applied to 30 elderly people in urban subdistricts. As a result, Cron’s confidence coefficient were obtained which was equal to 0.89. Chi-square statistic used to be analysis.
The results showed that the overall quality of life was found to be at the moderate level of 250 people (80.4 percent). When considering by the aspects, firstly, quality of life in physical health of most people (292 people, 93.9 percent) was at the moderate level. Secondly, mental quality of life of most people (227 people, 73 percent) was at the moderate level. Thirdly, quality of life in relation of social relations where most people (233 people, 74.9 percent) were at moderate level. Fourthly, for environmental quality of life, majority of people (195 people, 62.7 percent) were at the moderate level. Lastly, the factors of age, income, and congenital diseases correlated to the quality of life in elderly people was statistically significant at .05 level.
From the research, the suggestions were made that, for the aspect, health officials in the area must pay attention to and be aware of elderly people as the age increase. For the income aspect, the income should increase. And, in the congenital disease aspect, the congenital diseases must be controlled to prevent complications or develop new diseases to promote a better quality of life.
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