Musculoskeletal Disorder among Support staff Case study: Rajabhat University Somewhere in the North

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Maneerat Suanmuang


Most office workers or worker using the computer has a condition known ​as "Office Syndrome" caused by improper work environment as a result, symptoms such as body aches, chronic back pain, migraine or chronic headache. This research study was a cross-sectional descriptive study. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and factors associated with the musculoskeletal disorders among Support staff. The sample in this study was 187 workers. The modified Nordic questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, Chi-square and Multiple logistic regression. The results of this study found that the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders during the past 12 months and 7 days were 88.9% and 69.8%, respectively. The most prevalence area was the shoulder / upper arm. Factors associated with musculoskeletal disorders included risky working posture and the time of using the computer more than 4 hours per day. This factor has a positive result, causing more Musculoskeletal Disorder.  The exercise factor has a negative result on Musculoskeletal Disorder. The results in this study will provide a basis for adjusting the resting time, introduce the subject of exercise or stretching the muscles and proper posture in sitting at the computer to help reduce the symptoms of musculoskeletal disorder.

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