Meaning of Running and the Empowerment in Long Distance Runners: The Runners’ Perspective at Phrae Provincial Administrative Organization Stadium

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Suwimon Boonprasert
Potjanart Srijai
Songvuth Tuongratanaphan
Areerat Nirunsittirat


     This study aims to understand the meaning of the running and to explain transitional process to the new running state of the long-distance runners with the concept of empowerment. This descriptive study was conducted to collect qualitative data by using participatory observation and in-depth interview. Eleven key informants, including 3 occasional runners, 5 regular runners and 3 insider runners, were practiced at Phrae provincial administrative organization stadium. The meaning of running are enjoyable activity or experiences were given by the occasional runners, healthy and life experiences were given by the regular runners and routine or part of daily life were given by the insider runners. The process of being long-distance runner are included as follows: to set up goal, to prepare and continuously practice running, to join running competition, to be a member and/or to position status in the society of runners. The training processes to be a long-distance runner can empower the individual to achieve self-confidence and further encourage the runner aims for more challenging goal. The runners have not only a higher running performance but also life management skill with self-respectfulness.

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