Effect of parents’ and caregivers’ storytelling to language development of 2-year-old children at well child clinic , Chiangmai Health promoting hospital


  • กนกพร จันทราทิตย์ โรงพยาบาลส่งเสริมสุขภาพเชียงใหม่


In the first 6 years of life, children’s brains have the most ability of learning. Storytelling or reading books with the children will help them to be creative and imagination result in completion of the brain cells

Objective: To determine effect of parents’ and caregivers’ storytelling behaviors to language development of children.

The study indicated that: (1) General characteristics of families. There were sons 52.8%, Living in the other region of Chiang Mai 65.2%, First child 60.1%, single child 50.6%,  Father and Mother age 31-40 years 45.5% and 56.2% respectively. 25.3% of parents/caregivers were graduated Bachelor of Arts, 37.6% were employees. 38.2% and 31.5% of family incomes were between 10,001-20,000 Baht/month. 36% of the main caregiver were mothers. 34.8% of the main caregivers’ ages were between 31-40 years old. 29.8% of the main caregivers were graduated Bachelor of Arts. There were at least 4 members in the family 76.4%. There were grandparents in the family 51.7% with 18.5% of those were illiterate. 16.3% had other relatives in the family. (2) Storytelling behaviors of the parents and caregivers. There were daily storytelling 30.9% which once a day 22.5%. Playing with children 84.8% which twice a day 30.3%. Daily singing with children 66.3% which once a day 25.8%. 41.1% of the main persons who tell the story were mothers. 50.6% had less than 3 storybooks. 38.2% had storytelling both days and bed times. 43.8% had usage time of storytelling between 11-30 minutes. The most 3 storytelling behaviors were children participation (99.4%), eyes contact and cuddle with children (97.8%), and compliment (95.5%). There were 9.6% of parents/caregivers used to join storytelling activities in the other places. 55.1% derived the most knowledge of storytelling from the hospital. 70.8% told the stories about moral, prayers , making merit, and Thai cultures. 68.5% used to read article about storybooks in the maternal-child health record books.  (3) Results of child developmental tests. The children had 100% normal gross motor, fine motor, and social skill development, 94% of normal language development, and normal total development were 99.4%.


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How to Cite

จันทราทิตย์ ก. . (2020). Effect of parents’ and caregivers’ storytelling to language development of 2-year-old children at well child clinic , Chiangmai Health promoting hospital. Lanna Journal of Health Promotion and Environmental Health, 6(2), 48–53. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lannaHealth/article/view/243925