Appropriate medication management operations in the community, Pho Sub-district, Non Khun District, Sisaket Province


  • Thongsamut Aomkaew โรงพยาบาลส่งเสริมสุขภาพตำบลทุ่งรวงทอง อ.โนนคูณ จังหวัดศรีษะเกษ


การดำเนินงาน, การจัดการยา, ยาอันตราย


This action research aimed to study the source of dangerous drugs to the community and to find cooperation and agreement of the community in the management of medicine appropriately. This research is an Action Research by applying the process of Kemmis & Mc Taggart, the representative sample are amount of 37 people, Village Health Volunteer amount of 26 people, community leader amount of 13 people, Local Administrative amount of 13 people, randomly selected use descriptive statistics, mean percentage in discussion results, Pharmacist amount of 1 person and Health Promoting Hospital amount of 3 people, Police officer amount of 1 person. Phase 1 is to build awareness and participation processes. Phase 2 is a search for problems. Phase 3 is analysis, synthesis, community data recovery data using data collected in surveys taken in a drug store 1 of the Health Ministry. The result found that dangerous drugs enter the community by the drug store 1 amount of 1.30% and the drug store 2. Amount of 27.78%, the department stores an amount of 13.41% and other amounts of 7.8%. Opinion data obtained from open-ended questionnaires and interviews showed that the public saw why dangerous drugs were advertised freely on the media, whether on radio and television. From in-depth inquiry, the peddler has ordered medicine from drug store 1. A proper model for the management of dangerous drugs in the community requires a strong community network and participation in every step of success. If the people are aware of the danger to themselves and the grocery store has a good sense, it will lead to more sustainability. Therefore, the law and regulations on the sale of drugs of modern pharmacies 1, 2 should be reviewed. Department stores should sell drugs at what level. The advertisement for dangerous drugs through various media should be done freely or not.


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How to Cite

Aomkaew, T. . (2020). Appropriate medication management operations in the community, Pho Sub-district, Non Khun District, Sisaket Province. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 3(2), 132–140. Retrieved from



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