Development and evaluation of a learning model on routine to research for public health personnel network, Roi-Et Province


  • Satianpong Siwina Division of Public Health Strategic Development, Roi-Et Provincial Public Health Office
  • Pratumthip Summart Division of Public Health Strategic Development, Roi-Et Provincial Public Health Office
  • Jurairat Klangkan Division of Public Health Strategic Development, Roi-Et Provincial Public Health Office
  • Chanidawadee Sayuen Division of Public Health Strategic Development, Roi-Et Provincial Public Health Office
  • Rujira Chanhorm Division of Public Health Strategic Development, Roi-Et Provincial Public Health Office


Experiential learning model, Routine to research, Health network


This research aimed at developing and evaluation a learning model on routine to research for public health personnel networks. The research process was divided into 2 phases. The first phase was the development of a learning model that used survey research in 120 persons of healthy network personnel, Roi-Et province. The second phase was a quasi-experimental design to evaluate a learning model. The participants were  100 of public health officers who were working in Roi-Et health network that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study was conducted between October 2017-September 2018. Tools consisted of questionnaires about problems and needs for routine job development in routine to research, suitability and feasibility assessment forms, and a test of knowledge about how to develop a routine to research. Data analysis using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and compared mean using paired t-test statistics at the significance level of 0.05. The results showed that the subjects group had problems and need for knowledge about the development of routine to research at a medium level (µ = 3.12, = 0.75, µ = 3.42, = 0.38). The problems, and the need for practical skills related to routine to research were at a medium level (µ = 3.32, = 0.52, µ = 3.16, = 0.34). The learning model consists of a survey and analysis of problems/needs, human resource development, supervision, follow-up and evaluation, a summary of lessons learned, and public relations study results. When the learning model was applied, it was found that after the development, there was a statistically significant increase in the average knowledge about the development of routine to research (p <.001) with a mean score of 5.39 (95% CI; 4.863, 5.916). This learning model can increase the knowledge and skills to develop a routine to research in target groups. Therefore, relevant agencies should use this learning model to develop a routine to research in healthcare networks officer.


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How to Cite

Siwina, S. ., Summart, P. ., Klangkan, J. ., Sayuen, C., & Chanhorm, R. . (2020). Development and evaluation of a learning model on routine to research for public health personnel network, Roi-Et Province. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 3(2), 86–96. Retrieved from



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