Guidelines for the use of standard technology in psychological counseling: systematic review
guidelines of technology in psychological counseling, technology in psychological counseling, telehealth, telepsychologyAbstract
Objective: To systematically review literature and academic articles related to guidelines for the use of standard technology in psychological counseling field.
Methods: PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Springer Link, and Web of Science database were searched for literature and academic articles providing guidelines or ethical of technology in psychological counseling, published from 2009 to 2019, and free of charge.
Results: A total of 17 studies met inclusion criteria, most focused on confidentiality and information management (82.4%), half focused on clarification and informed consent (52.9%), assessment and counseling or therapy, competence, expertise, service scope and responsibility, and service safety principles (47.1%). Less than half focused on service improvement (41.2%), accessibility, readiness, and convenience of service, use of medical technology (29.4%), provision of services that comply with the law (23.5%), training and research (17.6%), and advertising and public relations (5.9%).
Conclusion: This study can be used as a framework for counseling service through technology and as a reference for providing standardized services that comply with ethical, legal, and professional guidelines.
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