Evaluation of the Project to Develop Personal in Terms of Prevention and Control of Emerging Diseases and Urban Medicine in Onsite and Online Formats
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This study is evaluation research that will be collected by the quantitative data method. The purpose was to evaluate the Project to Develop personnel in terms of Prevention and Control of Emerging diseases and urban medicine in onsite and online formats. Amount 100 trainees. Accidental sampling was used to select the sample size by applying the evaluation method according to Kirkpatrick's model, and questionnaires were used as tools to collect data. Data were collected online through Google Forms, then descriptive statistics were used for this data set.
The research results found that 100.00% of trainees had a desire to attend this training program to apply their work, and they also had high expectations for this program (98.60%). In evaluating reactions to the program, most of them agree with having knowledge and understanding how to do the prevention and control of emerging diseases and urban medicine. Also having skills and accumulated expertise on that able to work as a leader who can operate a team. In addition, this program encourages them to propose policy proposals in their own areas of prevention and control of emerging diseases and urban medicine. The results of program management found that training content in each topic was complete as specified by the curriculum. There was an appropriate sequence of content and usefulness. However, the next cohort of this program should be full on-site training because it's more knowledge and experience sharing than online programs. Also, the evaluation should be conducted during class and immediately after finished the training program, and after that should be followed up over 6 months.
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