Health Literacy in Safe Motorcycle Riding and On-road Riding Behaviour in Lak Si District, Bangkok
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This study is an exploratory research that aims to assess health literacy related to safe motorcycle riding and its influence on road safety behaviors. The research involved 195 vocational students from a college in Laksi District, Bangkok, during the 2021 academic year. Participants were selected through simple random sampling by drawing lots. Data were collected using a validated health literacy assessment tool specifically designed for safe motorcycle riding. The data collection period spanned from July 1 to August 31, 2021. Descriptive statistics were utilized to summarize demographic data, while Chi-square tests were conducted to evaluate the association between personal factors and safe motorcycle riding behaviors. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was employed to examine the relationship between health literacy and road safety behaviors. The results revealed that the overall level of health literacy concerning safe motorcycle riding among students was inadequate, with 34.40% of participants demonstrating low levels of literacy. When breaking down health literacy into its five components, it was observed that the skills of accessing information, inquiry, and practical application were particularly deficient, with 35.90%, 42.60%, and 36.40% of students scoring poorly in these areas, respectively. Conversely, the skill of understanding was relatively strong, with 35.90% of students performing at a high level. Notably, the study found no statistically significant correlation between health literacy and safe motorcycle riding behaviors, with significance tested at the 0.05 level. These findings suggest that improving health literacy alone may not suffice to alter motorcycle riding behaviors among students. Effective communication strategies tailored to resonate with students, while considering individual differences and the broader familial, social, and cultural contexts, are crucial. These factors should inform the development of targeted content and interventions aimed at promoting safer motorcycle riding practices.
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