Prevalence of the microalbumininuria in Diabetes mellitus, Nopparat Rajathanee hospital, Bangkok

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Saowanee Suwannasin
Varinda Kraithep
Surasit Suwannasin


Microalbuminuria serves as an early indicator of incipient nephropathy (kidney disease) in patients with diabetes mellitus. This research study aims to investigate the prevalence of microalbuminuria among diabetic patients receiving treatment at Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital. This study was a cross-sectional study. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed statistically. The study population comprised individuals attending the hospital's diabetes clinic from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. The sample group consisted of 257 cases.

The study results indicated that the prevalence of microalbuminuria was 45.52%, with males and females representing 23.34% and 22.17%, respectively. Additionally, macroalbuminuria was observed in 21.40% of the cases, while normoalbuminuria was present in 33.07%. Significant differences were found in the levels of creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, glucose, and eGFR when comparing groups with HbA1c < 6.50% and HbA1c  ≥  6.50% (p < 0.05). The findings suggest that the study sample had a high likelihood of encountering HbA1c  ≥  6.50%, indicating poor blood sugar control and an increased risk of early kidney complications.

The prevalence of microalbuminuria among diabetic patients at Nopparat Rajathani Hospital is notably high. Consequently, it is imperative to increase awareness and implement routine screening for this condition to mitigate the risk of developing kidney disease.

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How to Cite
Suwannasin S, Kraithep V, Suwannasin S. Prevalence of the microalbumininuria in Diabetes mellitus, Nopparat Rajathanee hospital, Bangkok . IUDCJ [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):223-38. Available from:
Research Articles


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