Study of pose a risk behavior number of vaccinations and COVID-19 infection and prediction the number of COVID-19 infection of Communications department personnel in National Telecom Company

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chayanis phuphuak


            This research objective is to investigate the behavior of communications department personnel in National Telecom company such as infected with COVID 19, the symptoms and the severity of the infection. Currently infections with the COVID 19 virus which has spread again after the Songkran festival. They eat and drink together with family and friends who are traveling to visit relatives in other provinces or celebrate Songkran festival at various venues which a lot of people. This makes social distancing and protection less than before. After Songkran festival 2024 increasing the number of people infected with COVID 19. The tools of the research were a questionnaire created in Google Forms by dividing the questions into six sections. The results of the survey were 47.27% men and 52.73% women. The survey showed that almost all of them had vaccination just only one person not vaccinated. The most of them have been infected with COVID 19 namely 70.00% but 30.00% never. The duration had been infected about 3 to 5 days and symptoms similar a cold. The target group 85.46% are people who quite frequently to contact people. Most of them prevent infection by wearing protective masks, wash hands with alcohol gel and travel by private car. The forecast number of people who will become infected with COVID 19 in the future was determined with the MS Excel forecast function using the past year infection statistics resulting in prediction an increasing number of inflected in the next year are 53.80%, 16.60% and 15.70% respectively.

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How to Cite
phuphuak chayanis. Study of pose a risk behavior number of vaccinations and COVID-19 infection and prediction the number of COVID-19 infection of Communications department personnel in National Telecom Company. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):205-22. Available from:
Research Articles


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