The Causes of loss children and youth in Thailand: The Case study of investigation the causes of injuries and deaths from road accidents among Thai children and youth

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Pun janpanich
Chanyut Wihokto
Panon Srisuwan
Yolda MoonTong
SasiKram Nonthanum


The case study investigates the causes of injuries and deaths from road accidents among Thai children and youth under 20 years old. The research employed a format combining qualitative methods to investigation case, in-depth interviews and group discussions to gather opinions from experts. It also involved a detailed analysis of human factors contributing to errors at the individual level, spanning five areas: regulations, vehicles, environment, drivers, and road users. Systematic problems were analyzed using the Swiss Cheese Model across four levels: 1) unsafe actions, 2) unsafe conditions, 3) supervision, and 4) organizational factors, government policies, and educational institutions. The aim was to make recommendations to address the issues of injuries and deaths among children and youth.

                The study revealed that the age group most affected by motorcycle accidents was 15-19 years old. Based on in-depth interviews many in this group started driving motorcycles between the ages of 13-15, often learning from parents, relatives, friends, or self-practice without structured education. In-depth factor analysis using the Swiss Cheese Model identified that most unsafe acts were caused by the drivers themselves, primarily due to lack of situational awareness followed by errors in decision-making and driving skills based on these findings, policy recommendations at the national level focus on accelerating initiatives targeting children and youth.          

                Recommendations from the group discussion of experts suggest setting goals for children and youth, developing curricula, practical experience courses, and enhancing critical thinking skills related to hazard perception, risk assessment, situational awareness, and decision-making abilities. There is also emphasis on enhancing teacher capacity to ensure effective learning outcomes.

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How to Cite
janpanich P, Wihokto C, Srisuwan P, MoonTong Y, Nonthanum S. The Causes of loss children and youth in Thailand: The Case study of investigation the causes of injuries and deaths from road accidents among Thai children and youth. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):151-70. Available from:
Research Articles


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