The impact of Infectious Control Nurse in the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak situation

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Bang-ern Pumipak
Jomtien Promthong
Somchit Suksong


The purpose of this study was to impact on infection control nurses. In the situation of the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 in Bangkok Metropolis. A descriptive research model was used. The sample group were infectious control nurses in Bangkok Metropolis. Duties and responsibilities are infectious disease control and providing services to patients, screening or caring for people infected with the coronavirus disease 2019 during the outbreak, totaling 49 cases. The results of this study found that the situation of coronavirus disease 2019 has affected us both physically. and the mind at a high level, Whether it's relaxation, feeling tired from work adaptation in outbreak situations. There is fear of infection from Coronavirus Disease 2019 and its impact on the workplace. It is at a moderate to high level. This is because in some cases the increased activities come from normal conditions, providing nursing care for patients infected with COVID-19 and wearing various protective equipment. Impact on the economy, it was found to be at a moderate level. Due to the burden of expenses for monitoring and preventing their own disease. and more family members. As for the impact on the family, it is at a low level. The family has an understanding of roles and responsibilities. For behavior to prevent infection there are still some areas of self-defense that are not covered. This may be caused by limitations in the amount of protective equipment due to the epidemic of disease occurring throughout the country. Production capacity at that time may not keep up with demand or it may be due to operators not being aware of the importance of protecting themselves. Therefore, receiving care about safety at work, support equipment to prevent infection and taking care when affected by the performance of duties is important. In addition, it increases morale during a crisis by strengthening work motivation. It will help support operations to be efficient. Building morale for workers can take many forms, and executives should consider them as appropriate.          

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How to Cite
Pumipak B- ern, Promthong J, Suksong S. The impact of Infectious Control Nurse in the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak situation. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):133-50. Available from:
Academic Articles


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