Survey of health status of migrant workers in Bangkok

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Kaewjai Mathong
Tharnthip Luengtreechai
Nitirat Poonsawat
Amornchai Trikunakornwong


The purpose of this study was to examine the health status of migrant workers in the Bangkok. The sample was 1,458 migrants who live in various communities and work in establishments and markets from five districts in Bangkok compose with Bang Khen, Khlong Sam Wa, Phaya Thai, Khlong Toei, and Chom Thong. The data collection instrument in this study was an interview form which encompassed personal and health-related information. The data analysis employed descriptive statistics, involving the determination of frequency and percentage values.

                The results from personal data survey among migrant workers was found that almost 64.00% of gender was male, 82.60% of those was age between 21-40 year and about 75.00% was Myanmar and 61.10% completed primary education. The 88.00% of most primary occupation was daily wage labor. Around 61.70% of migrant workers live in Thailand for 1-5 years and 44.00% of those could speak and understand Thai language. It was found that 83.00% of accommodation was rental apartment or house and shared with another person. The meeting places for these migrant workers were flea markets and temples for 20.90% and 20.40%, respectively.

                The information regarding healthcare right and health behavior among migrant workers was found that 56.00% lack of healthcare rights. In case of illness, they visited clinics or purchased medication on their own. The second dose of COVID-19 vaccination history was 45.30% and 95.00% had no chronic diseases. Among those with chronic diseases of high blood pressure and diabetes were 27.00% and 23.00%, respectively. Less than 1 day per week of exercise activity was observed in 75.00%. Smoking and alcohol consumption indicated that did not smoke and did not drink alcohol, or drank very occasionally with 86.00% and 83.00%, respectively.

                The analysis results from this survey was found that the majority of migrant workers who work in Bangkok engage in general daily wage occupation, Cost of living was included rent, expenses for purchasing health insurance or social security cards. The most of workers are in their working age. They have never undergone health check-ups. They believe that they do not have any health issues and then do not see the importance of health monitoring and disease prevention. The lack of access to health welfare, including both social security and basic health insurance system, leads to significant challenge for most migrant workers in accessing proper health care. Although the policy and grant effort of health right for migrant workers in Thailand is occurred, there is still gaps that prevent them from fully entering the designed healthcare system as intended. Advocating through the media or creating appropriate channels through volunteer leaders from the same nationality can build trust and enable effective communication of beneficial information to migrant workers. This is crucial for developing suitable models and maximizing the benefits in terms of disease surveillance and prevention at both the local and national levels.

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How to Cite
Mathong K, Luengtreechai T, Poonsawat N, Trikunakornwong A. Survey of health status of migrant workers in Bangkok. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):1-20. Available from:
Academic Articles


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