Lesson learned from the success of management according to the strategic structure of the medical and public health emergency operation center at Institute for Urban Diseases Control and Prevention

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Pipatpong Thananithijarukorn


This qualitative research employs the POSDCoRB management framework, a principle widely used in both public and private organizational management. The objective is to examine supporting factors, obstacles, and key success factors in managing the COVID-19 crisis within the Emergency Medical and Public Health Operations Center structure. The study selectively involved representatives from the institution practicing under this structure, specifically focusing on the COVID-19 case between December 2019 and December 2022, with 25 participants. Data collection took place through in-depth interviews conducted during January 16-24, 2023. The tool used was a deep interview questionnaire, and content analysis was performed following the POSDCoRB management process. The study findings indicate that effective crisis management involves integrating the event command system with a networked distribution of power. It emphasizes the need for artful decision-making, ordering, and task delegation to subordinates, requiring leadership skills to motivate and guide subordinates in executing orders. Clear command and control by superiors play a crucial role in organizational success, fostering mutual understanding among staff, regular meetings to enhance comprehension, and follow-up to ensure assigned tasks meet the set objectives. Additionally, having a clear chain of command is highlighted as pivotal in achieving success.

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How to Cite
Thananithijarukorn P. Lesson learned from the success of management according to the strategic structure of the medical and public health emergency operation center at Institute for Urban Diseases Control and Prevention. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(1):144-61. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/268146
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