Incidence and Factors Related to Adverse Events Following Immunization for Influenza Vaccine in Personnel of Public Health Academic Center, Health Region 9

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Patcharaporn Khonjamnong
Manit Kongpaen
Doungjun Chanmuang


A retrospective prospective study aimed to study the incidence and factors associated with the occurrence of adverse reactions after vaccination Influenza vaccine on mobile phone in personnel of public health academic center, regional health 9th. The sample was 603 people, who came to receive vaccinations Influenza vaccine and record adverse reactions after vaccination Influenza vaccine within 30 days following vaccination. The questionnaire Made through the google form system was use for data collection. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean and chi-square test. The results of the study showed that: 36.82% occurring 7 days after vaccination of subjects developed abnormal symptoms after influenza vaccine, the most symptom was pain at the injection site was 65.77% and followed by pain at the injection site and low fever 18.47%. Analysis of the relationship between personal factors such as sex, age, congenital disease, and the occurrence of unusual symptoms after influenza vaccination. It was found that personal factors there was no relationship with the occurrence of unusual symptoms after influenza vaccine. These findings can be used to plan appropriate information for people who are deciding to go for influenza vaccination and are hesitant. give confidence and aware of the safety of vaccination including providing adequate and adequate supportive medical supplies to alleviate the symptoms of adverse effects after vaccination.

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How to Cite
Khonjamnong P, Kongpaen M, Chanmuang D. Incidence and Factors Related to Adverse Events Following Immunization for Influenza Vaccine in Personnel of Public Health Academic Center, Health Region 9. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];7(2):39-50. Available from:
Research Articles


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