A Quality-of-Life Study of Leprosy Families in Northern Thailand in 2021 on Integration of Leprosy Colony into General Community

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Kriengsak Pohpoach


This study is a mixed method study aiming to assess the quality of life (QOL) of leprosy families in Northern Thailand in 2021 on integration of 3 leprosy colonies into general communities. The QOL of 273 leprosy patients and leprosy families were assessed by modified WHOQOL-BREF-THAI. The result was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as number, percentage, and determination of statistical correlation by using chi-square test. The in-depth interviews and a focus group discussion with community leaders and people living in leprosy colonies were performed and the method of content analysis was used.

The results revealed that the majority of leprosy patients and leprosy families were female of 60-69 years of age had primary education, working in agriculture and unemployed. Regarding the levels of quality of life, the majority of them possessed moderate QOL in terms of physical, mental, social relation, environmental and overall dimension. Related factors which affected QOL were marital status and housing (p<0.05). In patients with leprosy, majority of them possessed moderate QOL. There was no association between factors and QOL in patients with leprosy (p>0.05). The focused group showed that some of leprosy patients especially the elderly with disabilities reported inability to adjust living and still wanted a leprosy colony because they felt different from normal people. They reported satisfaction with public health services from government. However, the colonies reported the problem with tenure document and insufficient water supply.

This study highlighted the importance of solving problems by local organization, Rajpracha Samasai Institute, the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 1 Chiang Mai. as well as stated the need for intervention to reduce leprosy stigma through the 7-year Leprosy Strategic Plan (2021-2027) – Zero Stigma.

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How to Cite
Pohpoach K. A Quality-of-Life Study of Leprosy Families in Northern Thailand in 2021 on Integration of Leprosy Colony into General Community. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];7(1):157-69. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/257039
Research Articles


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