A literature review: Overview of drug-resistant tuberculosis and preventive and control policies of tuberculosis transmission in Thailand

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Jidapa Pinkunakorn


Tuberculosis has been one of the major causes of death for a long period of time, mainly in underdeveloped nations, where drug-resistant tuberculosis is prevalent. There are numerous challenges in Thailand that obstruct the performance of tuberculosis treatment. As a consequence, all problems and contemporary tuberculosis transmission prevention and control policies in the country should be investigated in an attempt to lessen the impediments that prohibit beneficial results. The purpose of this study was to examine an overview of Thailand's drug-resistant tuberculosis data and to suggest strategies to minimize drug-resistant tuberculosis transmission. The study was conducted by reviewing the academic literature and research papers related to tuberculosis that published between 2010 and 2022 including definition, causes, types, regimens, preventions, and the main causes that contribute to the increase in infection rates and death tolls. As a result, there are several issues that cause tuberculosis to widely spread and develop to drug-resistant tuberculosis. Some of the most worrisome problems are the unawareness of being infected, detachment from the proper treatment associated with the socioeconomic factors, and the decision of patients themselves to cease the usage of anti-tuberculosis drugs without physicians’ allowance. Consequently, Raising the awareness of the people in the public society, which can be done by providing the critical information about tuberculosis, will assist in increasing the personal protection that will help to dwindle the tuberculosis infection rate. Some of the policies can be improved for the best result. For example, the BCG vaccination supply, the active case finding, transferring the patients to the medication system, educating people about the danger of tuberculosis, and wearing masks whenever inhabiting in congested areas.

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How to Cite
Pinkunakorn J. A literature review: Overview of drug-resistant tuberculosis and preventive and control policies of tuberculosis transmission in Thailand. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];7(1):75-91. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/255872
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