Students and Teachers’ Perception on Cause and Suicide Prevention at Secondary School in Nakhon Phanom Province


  • Surachai Chaniang Borromarajjonnani College of Nursing, Nakhon Phanom, Nakhon Phanom University, Thailand
  • Parichart Meuangkhwa Borromarajjonnani College of Nursing, Nakhon Phanom, Nakhon Phanom University, Thailand
  • Kamonnat Klongdee Borromarajjonnani College of Nursing, Nakhon Phanom, Nakhon Phanom University, Thailand


qualitative research, cause of suicide, suicide prevention, secondary school students, Nakhon Phanom


Introduction: Adolescent suicidal behavior has become a major public health concern around the globe including Thailand, yet suicidal behavior is preventable. Research objectives: This descriptive qualitative study explored the perception of the students and teachers on cause of suicide, and prevention of suicide at secondary school in Nakhon Phanom Province, Thailand. Research methodology: A purposive sampling was used to recruit 20 adolescents for focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews were conducted with 7 school teachers, from June-October 2019. Data were analyzed using content analysis. Results: Findings of this study were two-folds: 1) the causes of adolescent suicide which could be summarized into 4 sub-categories; namely parents' expectations in education achievements and live, family problems, lack of problem-solving skill, bullying, and imitating behavior from the media; and 2) prevention of adolescent suicide, which had 4 sub-categories namely cultivating the self-resilience, peer support, family support, and school supportive environments. Conclusions: These findings provide a clear evidence for a mental health needs among students. Implications: Furthermore, psychiatric nursing and mental health personnel should play a critical role at school by developing a suicide prevention program. The program should involve peer, parents, school nurses, and school teachers. All stakeholders should recognize the school social context and emotional needs of the students.


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How to Cite

Chaniang S, Meuangkhwa P, Klongdee K. Students and Teachers’ Perception on Cause and Suicide Prevention at Secondary School in Nakhon Phanom Province . JBCN_Bangkok [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 9 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];37(1):38-50. Available from:



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