The Current Situation of Teaching for Health Promoting Smoking Prevention and Smoking Cessation of Nursing Students at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Bangkok


  • โสภา รักษาธรรม
  • อุไร นิโรธนันท์
  • ยุพาภรณ์ ติรไพรวงศ์


teaching situation, nursing student, smoking prevention, smoking cessation


Smoking is a major cause of illness and death. Nursing students are required to develop competencies in health promoting smoking prevention and smoking cessation for clients. This study aims to explore the teaching situation to develop health promotion competency related to smoking prevention and smoking cessation.  Samples was selected by purposive sampling comprised of 30 full time lecturers and 105 of fourth year nursing students at Boromarajonani College of Nursing Bangkok in the 2014 academic year.  Data were collected using questionnaires and focus group. The questionnaires included the current situation of teaching for health promoting smoking prevention and smoking cessation questionnaire for lecturer, and knowledge, attitude, and behaviors related to promoting smoking prevention and smoking cessation questionnaires for students. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis.             Results revealed that 1) for the teaching situation, there was no specific course on smoking prevention and cessation but contents were integrated in some theoretical courses and nursing practicum. The majority of contents related to effects of smoking, adverse effects and toxic of cigarette, and nursing care on smoking reduction, abstain, and cessation. 2) for health promoting smoking prevention and smoking cessation, students had the average knowledge was at moderate level whereas attitudes toward smoking prevention and cessation was at good to very good levels. Moreover, 85.7 percent of nursing students reported having experience in giving information about negative impacts of cigarettes to patients to prevent smoking meanwhile 86.7 percent of nursing students reported giving advices to patients on smoking cessation. This finding is useful for further planning to improve health promotion towards smoking prevention and cessation of undergraduate nursing students.


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How to Cite

รักษาธรรม โ, นิโรธนันท์ อ, ติรไพรวงศ์ ย. The Current Situation of Teaching for Health Promoting Smoking Prevention and Smoking Cessation of Nursing Students at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Bangkok. JBCN_Bangkok [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 5 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];35(2). Available from:



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