Results of the Health Literacy Program for Pregnant Women in Borabue Hospital, Borabue District, Mahasarakham Province

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Sirinapa Samlee
Phatcha Hirunwatthanakul
Vorapoj Promasatayaprot


Background: Pregnancy poses risks to pregnant women, which can be reduced by enhancing health literacy. This strategy promotes the acquisition of knowledge, positive attitudes, and motivation for engaging in correct and suitable self-care behaviors.
Objective: To evaluate the outcomes of the program designed to enhance health literacy among pregnant women at Borabue Hospital, which includes the development of six skills: access, cognition, communication, decisionmaking, self-management, and media literacy.
Material and methods: A quasi-experimental research study, employing a one-group, before-and-after design, was conducted among 30 pregnant women who had their first visit at the ANC clinic in Borabue Hospital between July and November 2023. The participants attended the program three times, which included two weeks after the first antenatal care (ANC) visit (focusing on functional health literacy), at a gestational age (GA) of 15 weeks (emphasizing interactive health literacy), and at a GA of 20 weeks (concentrating on critical health literacy). Data were collected before program participation and at 26 weeks of GA using questionnaires and blood exams. The health knowledge scores, health literacy scores, self-care behavioral scores, and hematocrit levels were compared using the paired t-test.
Results: The mean age was 28.0±1.9 years (range 17–38). Fifty percent of the participants (15 cases) are experiencing their second pregnancy (range 1–3), and the average GA at the first ANC visit was 8.5±0.9 weeks (range 7–10). After completing the program, the women achieved higher average scores in terms of health knowledge (12.8±1.4 vs 9.6±1.4 points, p=0.001), health literacy (4.2±0.8 vs 2.9±0.8 points, p<0.001), self-care behavior (4.1±0.8 vs 2.9±0.7 points, p<0.001), and hematocrit levels (38.7±3.0% vs 33.8±2.5%, p<0.001).
Conclusion: The health literacy program for pregnant woman at Borabue Hospital could enhance the literacy skills of newly pregnant women, enabling proper self-care behaviors and increasing hematocrit levels.

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How to Cite
Samlee, S., Hirunwatthanakul, P., & Promasatayaprot, V. (2024). Results of the Health Literacy Program for Pregnant Women in Borabue Hospital, Borabue District, Mahasarakham Province. Lampang Medical Journal, 45(1), 9–17. Retrieved from
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