Clinical Features and Visual Outcomes of Eye Injuries among Hospitalized Patients at Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital

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Sarintip Thongsiw
Piyaporn Sirijanchune


Background: Eye injury is a leading cause of visual impairment. There are several studies about eye injuries, reporting varied causes and results dependent on levels and areas of the hospital.
Objectives: To determine the epidemiology, causes, clinical features, and visual outcomes of eye injuries in Chiang Rai province.
Material and methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted among hospitalized patients with eye injuries at Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital between April 2020 and March 2021. Medical records were reviewed at 6 months, or the last follow-up visit. The data were statistically compared between the closed globe injury group and the open globe injury group. Factors associated with legal blindness were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression.
Results: There were 111 patients (111 eyes) enrolled in the study, and 84 cases were male (75.7%). The mean age was 46.4 years (SD 19.4,
range 4−84). Most of the injuries were work-related (69 cases, 62.2%). Among these, 27 cases were caused by flying wood chips (39.1%) and 23 cases by motorized grass trimming (33.3%). Only 2 patients (2.9%) used protective eyewear. There were 74 patients with closed globe injuries (66.7%). Legal blindness was found in 18 cases with open globe injuries (48.7%) and 19 patients with closed globe injuries (25.7%, p=0.020). Factors associated with legal blindness were initial visual acuity < 10/200 (OR 14.80, 95%CI 4.02−80.50, p=0.010) and open globe injury (OR 2.74, 95%CI1.10−6.81, p=0.020).
Conclusion: Three-fourths of hospitalized patients with eye injuries at Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital were male, and two-thirds had close globe injuries. About three-fifths of injuries were work-related, and only 2.9% of the patients used protective eyewear. Factors associated with legal blindness were initial visual acuity < 10/200 and open globe injury.

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How to Cite
Thongsiw, S., & Sirijanchune, P. . (2023). Clinical Features and Visual Outcomes of Eye Injuries among Hospitalized Patients at Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital. Lampang Medical Journal, 44(2), 40–47. retrieved from
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