Characteristic of Colposcopy in Nakorning hospital duriing 2003-2006

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Somyod Kitisupornphan


Cirvical cancer is a leading cause of death in women, therefore early detection is beneficial for 100% curative rate.
Colposcopy, an effective technique of cervical examination in combination with Pap smear yields 95 to 99 percent accuracy.
Colposcopy was introduced in Nakornping hospital during the year 2000. Recorded data was studied for analysis to demonstrate the
overall situation and trend of our patient characteristic.

To study the colpospocic examination in Nakornping hospital and compare the colposcopic diagnosis to histopathologic diagnosis.

A comparative descriptive study was performed in Nakornping hospital on 1372 consecutive women during the year 2003-2006.
Collected record was based on cytologic, colposcopic and histopathologic report.
This women were examined by using colposcopy along cytology and VIA colposcopy.

Most of the patients were between 41 and 50 years old [39.9%] with 2 children [41%]. 28.9% had birth control by contraceptive pill, 10.9% were HIV
group [44.6%]. 71.9% Colposcopic diagnosis abnormal Pap smear report to be precancerous stage. Pathologic diagnosis for abnormal Pap smear report to be in precancereous stage for 68.5%.
Screening by VIA, there was yearly tendency of increasing and were mostly precancereous [56%]. Pathological fidings among the VIA Positive were mostly benign [59.7%]. Comparing colposcopy
with histopathological report revealed that colposcopy had 97.6% sensitivility, 23.4% specificity, positive predictive value of 80.9% and negative predictive value of 75%.

Patients with abnormal Pap smear should be examined by colposcopy and finding of colposcopy should be confirmed by histopathology.

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How to Cite
Kitisupornphan, S. . (2022). Characteristic of Colposcopy in Nakorning hospital duriing 2003-2006. Lampang Medical Journal, 28(2), 145–160. retrieved from
Original Article


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