Vertical Transmission Rate of HIV in Chiang Rai Regional Hospital

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Yaowalak Jariyapongpaiboon
Kannikar Saisawan
Pacharaporn Saeout


Background :
Vertical transmission rate of HIV was reduced from 42 percent to 25.2 percent by replacement formula-feeding. Zidovudine (AZT) prophylaxis starting at 28 weeks gestation and single dose of nevirapine (NVP) to mothors and infants decreased the rate of transmission to 1.9 percent. Vertical transmission rate reflects the outcome of antenatal and infant care.

To study vertical transmission rate of HIV in Chiang Rai Reginal Hospital and to evaluate the results of AZT prophylaxis according to duration before delivery.

We conducted a retrospective cohort study by collection data of HIVseropositive pregnant women and infants diliveried during January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2006 and had follow-up visits at Chiang Rai Regional Hospital. Mothers and infants recieved antiretroviral drugs according to the national program of the Ministry of Public Health.

A total of 101 cases were enrolled in this study. Fifty-nine mothers (58.4 percent) recieved AZT prophylaxis for 4 weeks or longer. Mothers recieved AZT and NVP at onset of labor 89 cases (88.14 percent) and 85 cases (84.1 percent) respectively. All of infants recieved AZT and 97 cases (96 percent) recieved NVP. Vertical transmission rate of HIV was 5.94 percent (6/101). Duration of AZT
prophylaxis of pregnant women less than 4 weeks was statistically inferior to that of weeks or longer.

Zidovudine and nevirapine therapy in mother and infants are effective in reducing vertical transmission of HIV especially when mothers recieved aZT for 4 weeks or longer befor delivery.

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How to Cite
Jariyapongpaiboon, Y., Saisawan, K. ., & Saeout, P. . (2022). Vertical Transmission Rate of HIV in Chiang Rai Regional Hospital. Lampang Medical Journal, 28(2), 111–121. retrieved from
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