Intussusception in Chiangrai Hospital : Factors associated with outcome. A 5-year Review

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Suteera Kungwanchai


Intussusception is one of the most common abdominal emergency in infants and young children. The purpose of this review was to assess the factors associated with outcome of nonsurgical management and to report the other concerned data of intussusception cases in Chiangrai hospital. A retrospective chart review of all intussusception cases seen at Department of Radiology, Chiangrai
hospital over a 5-year period ( 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2006) was conducted. Age, sex, clinical presentation, duration of symptoms before nonsurgical management, methods of definite diagnosis and methods of treatment were recorded. There were twenty-four cases of intussusception with age between 4 months to 6 years. Most of patients were diagnosed by sonography ( 16124,67%) before underwent barium reduction. The others were diagnosed and promptly reduced with barium enema. Successful rate of barium reduction was 42% ( 10124). Successful reduction rate in cases of duration of symptoms less than 24 hours was 100%. High failure rate of barium reduction ( 86%) was found in cases of duration more than 48 hours. In fourteen irreducible cases, eleven patients underwent explore laparotomy for manual reduction and appendectomy, three patients with duration of symptoms more than 72 hours underwent bowel resection. The duration of symptoms directly associated with increases rate of failure reduction and complicated surgery.

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How to Cite
Kungwanchai, S. . (2022). Intussusception in Chiangrai Hospital : Factors associated with outcome. A 5-year Review. Lampang Medical Journal, 28(1), 45–52. retrieved from
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