Maternal Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight Infant at Thoen Hospital, Lampang

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Surachai Ponglopisit


Background : Low birth weight infants are prone to higher morbidity and mortality. Identification of maternal risk factors is helpful for solving this problem in each hospital.
Objective : To identify maternal risk factors of low birth weight infants in Thoen Hospital.
Materials and methods : An analytic cross-sectional study was conducted on 338 women, gestational age >28 weeks, who delivered live singletons at the labor room of Thoen Hospital between October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2009. Twenty-four women were the study group and 314 women were the control group. Data were retrospectively collected from the medical records.
Information included maternal characteristics, socioeconomic, obstetrical and nutritional status. Data was analyzed by Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression analysis.
Result : The incidence of low birth weight infants was 7.12%. Univariate analysis showed that maternal gestational age <37 weeks, pregnancy weight gain <10 kg, maternal height <150 cm and inadequate antenatal care were risk factors (OR= 9.1, 3.67, 3.46 and 2.66 respectively). After multiple logistic regression analysis was achieved, the only significant risk factor was gestational
age less than 37 weeks (OR= 10.01, 95%CI=3.39-29.55, p<0.05)
Conclusion : Gestational age less than 37 weeks was the important risk factor for having low birth weight infants in Thoen Hospital. Early antenatal care in the first trimester should be encouraged. Prevention and effective inhibition of preterm delivery may lessen this problem.

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How to Cite
Ponglopisit, S. . (2022). Maternal Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight Infant at Thoen Hospital, Lampang. Lampang Medical Journal, 30(3), 146–153. Retrieved from
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