Radiologic Manifestation of Pulmonary Melioidosisin Northern Thailand

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Kanjanaporn Mahatthanaphak


Background : Melioidosis is an infectious disease mostly presenting with pneumonitis. There was no previous study about radiologic manifestation of pulmonary melioidosis in northern Thailand.
Objective : To analyze the correlation between radiologic manifestation and clinical presentation of pulmonary melioidosis in northern Thai patients .
Material and method : Descriptive study was conducted on 104 melioidosis patients treated in Lampang Hospital between October 2006 and March 2009. Demographic data, underlying disease, duration of symptom, laboratory investigation were retrospectively recorded. Chest radiographs were reviewed by single radiologist. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Radiographic
findings were correlated with disease duration and spreading pattern by Fisher’s exact test.
Results : There were 104 melioidosis patients diagnosed with definite or probable criteria. Among these, 78 had abnormal chest radiographs (121 lesions) and enrolled the study. Most of them were male (73.1%) and the mean age was 52 years (range, 15-83). There were 47 cases of acute (60.3%), 25 subacute (32.0%) and 6 chronic (7.7%) forms. Hematogenous spreading was found in
47 cases (60.3%) and pneumonic spreading was found in 31 (39.7%). Alveolar infiltration or consolidation was the most common lesion (37.2%). Reticular, nodular and reticulonodular infiltration were presented in 9.1%, 7.4% and 4.9% respectively. Alveolar infiltration was found in pneumonic spreading significantly more than hematogenous spreading (p<0.001). Reticular
infiltration or diffuse lesions were more commonly found in hematogenous spreading (p=0.042 and p=0.006 respectively). There was no correlation between disease duration and infiltration pattern or number of infected lobes (p>0.05).
Conclusion : Alveolar infiltration or consolidation was the most common radiographic manifestration in pulmonary melioidosis. It was found in pneumonic spreading more than hematogeneous spreading. Reticular infiltration or diffuse lesions were more commonly found in hematogenous spreading. There was no correlation between disease duration and infiltration
pattern or number of infected lobes.

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How to Cite
Mahatthanaphak, K. . (2022). Radiologic Manifestation of Pulmonary Melioidosisin Northern Thailand. Lampang Medical Journal, 30(3), 105–114. retrieved from
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