The Results of Cataract Screening Program in the Service Area of Chiang Kham Hospital

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Sutthirak Wiphusanti


Background : Cataract is the most common eye problem among outpatients of Chiang Kham Hospital. There was no any study about cataract backlog and epidemiology in its service area. Blinding cataract patients were usually found because of the delayed diagnosis and treatment.
Objective : To explore the prevalence and severity of cataract problem in four districts of Phayao province; i.e. Chiang Kham, Chun, Pong, Chiang Muan, and one sub-district, Phusang. The information will be helpful to improve the health care quality.
Material and method : The descriptive study was conducted between February and August 2008. The inclusion criteria was the patient aged >50 years who lived in the service area and had visual acuity <6/36. The patients attended vision screening program at their community hospital or health station, then enrolled for subsequent eye examination by mobile eye clinic of Chiang Kham Hospital. Their diagnoses by ophthalmic nurses were recorded and the data was analyzed.
Results : There were 50,880 population aged >50 years in the service area. Among 14,034 people who attended vision screening program, 3,954 patients (28.17%) found visual acuity <6/36 and enrolled the study. Subsequent eye examination by ophthalmic nurses confirmed the visual acuity <6/36 in 3,691 patients (96.91%). Among these, cataract was found in 82.33% of the patients and some of them (4.90%) were blinding cataract. The overall prevalence of blinding cataract was 1.29%. The highest was found in Chiang Muan (4.77%) and Pong district (3.17%).
Conclusion : Screening program by community hospital or health station and subsequent confirmation by ophthalmic nurse showed good potential for cataract detection. The high prevalence of blinding cataract was found in the deficit area of health service. Facilitation of health professional for active services is needed to prevent cataract complication and blindness.

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How to Cite
Wiphusanti, S. . (2022). The Results of Cataract Screening Program in the Service Area of Chiang Kham Hospital. Lampang Medical Journal, 30(1), 18–27. retrieved from
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