Length of Stay in PACU and Factors Related to Delayed Tracheal Extubation from Anesthesia in Lampang Hospital

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Nittaya Phothiwit
Umaporn Pongpan


Background : Patients whom delayed tracheal extubation after general anesthesia (GA) need special care in postanesthesia care unit (PACU). It causes more workload and may affect the quality of nursing care.
Objective: To determine the length of stay (LOS) in PACU and factors related to delayed tracheal extubation from anesthesia in Lampang Hospital.
Material and method : An analytical study in the patients who received GA with endotracheal intubation technique and continued postoperative intubation in PACU of Lampang Hospital during October 1, 2010 - September 30, 2011 was performed. Patients whom planned retaining intubation to intensive care unit postoperatively or had retained endotracheal tube preoperatively were excluded.
General data, anesthetic and PACU records were retrospectively reviewed. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Comparison between the immediate extubation group and delayed extubation group was achieved by Fisher’s exact test.
Results : Among 9,354 patients received endotracheal intubation, 2.0% (185 cases) continued intubation in PACU. Male was slightly more than female. The mean age in delayed extubation group was significantly higher than the immediate extubation group (53.6±20.9 vs 45.4±21.7 years, p<0.001). Delayed extubation was most commonly found after general surgery (41.1%) and maxillofacial plastic surgery (15.7%). Most of them were classified in the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) physical status 3E (27.6%) and 2E (23.2%). Immediate extubation could be commonly obtained in ASA 1E (18.3%), ASA 2 (17.3%) and 4 (17.0%), this difference was significant (p<0.001). The average LOS in PACU was 106.9±43.0 minutes. 98.4 % of patients was extubated in PACU and none had re-intubation within 24 hours.
Conclusion : The patients whom delayed tracheal extubation from anesthesia had LOS in PACU at average of 107 minutes. The related factors were old age and emergent surgery. Appropriate preoperative evaluation and development of clinical practice guideline for extubation both in operation room and PACU may lessen this problem.

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How to Cite
Phothiwit, N., & Pongpan, . U. (2022). Length of Stay in PACU and Factors Related to Delayed Tracheal Extubation from Anesthesia in Lampang Hospital. Lampang Medical Journal, 33(1), 31–41. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LMJ/article/view/259424
Original Article


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