Enrollment of the Exercise Self-efficacy and Social Support Enhancement Program for Glycemic Control in the Elders with Type 2 Diabetes
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Background : Glycemic control can be achieved by exercise. Perceived self-efficacy and social support enhancement could improve exercise behaviors of the elders with diabetes mellitus.
Objective : To examine the effect of the Exercise Self-efficacy and Social Support Enhancement Program (ES-SSEP) on glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level among the elders with type 2 diabetes.
Material and method : A quasi-experimental study in patients with type 2 diabetes, aged ≥60 years; attended at Maeprik Hospital diabetic clinic during February to June 2011 was conducted. Fifty patients were purposively selected and matched equally into experimental and control groups by gender, BMI, medications, scores of the perceived self-efficacy and social support for exercise.
The experimental group received the ES-SSEP for 15 weeks while the control group received regular service. The HbA1c levels, scores of exercise and dietary behavior were assessed. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Comparison between the groups was obtained by Chi-square, Fisher’s exact and paired t-test.
Results : Sixty percent of the patients were female and the mean age was 66.4 years (range, 60-75). Most of them had normal BMI and treated diabetes less than 5 years. After finishing the program, the experimental group had significantly lower HbA1c level but higher scores of exercise behavior and self-efficacy than the control group (p<0.001). The score of dietary behavior was not different (p=0.824).
Conclusion : The Exercise Self-efficacy and Social Support Enhancement Program could improve exercise behavior and HbA1c level in the elders with type 2 diabetes.
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