Forensic Autopsy of Sudden Infant Death with Inborn Errors of Metabolism: a Case Study

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Gampon kluakamkao


Sudden death of newborn infants with normal appearances at birth is a doctor’s risk of being sued by relatives for faulty professional practices. This article aimed to provide medical personnel with knowledge of the possible pathogenesis and differential diagnosis for a sudden infant death. A female neonate was presented with body cooling, weakness, low blood sugar and then heart failure at 31 hours after delivery. The standard treatment and resuscitation were given but she died 7 hours later. A forensic autopsy found a fatty hepatomegaly and microscopic fatty droplets in 90% of the overall liver cells. Although the tests for fatty acid abnormalities in blood and urine were exempted due to the limitation of the hospital’s laboratory, the most likely diagnosis was the inborn errors of metabolism from fatty acid oxidation disorder.

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How to Cite
kluakamkao, G. (2021). Forensic Autopsy of Sudden Infant Death with Inborn Errors of Metabolism: a Case Study. Lampang Medical Journal, 42(1), 33–38. Retrieved from
Case Study


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