Frequency of Recurrent Wheezing in Children Aged within 5-Years Before and After Prophylactic Intermittent Treatment with Inhaled Budesonide

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Wisedlak Srisuriyatada


Background: Wheezing has been common in early childhood. The current clinical practice guidelines recommend therapeutic trials with continuous inhaled medication for 2-3 months. However, implementation in community hospitals might be problematic. Some literature has found insignificant difference between continuous and intermittent inhalation for prevention of recurrent wheezing.
Objective: To investigate the frequency of emergency room visits and hospitalizations due to severe recurrent wheezing among children ≤5 years old. Furthermore, to compare before and after the prophylactic intermittent treatment with inhaled budesonide.

Material and method: A retrospective cohort study was conducted among the children ≤5 years old whom were diagnosed as an early wheezer and became a candidate for a therapeutic trial at Theon Hospital between January 2015 and December 2019. All of them received prophylactic intermittent treatment with inhaled budesonide via spacer 200–400 mcg twice daily when having a respiratory tract illness or exposure to stimulus, and continued for 7 days or 48 hours after the symptoms or the stimuli had disappeared. Demographic and clinical data were recorded 1 year before and after the treatment. The number of emergency room visits and hospitalizations due to severe recurrent wheezing were observed, including the episode-free days. Data was compared using Mann-Whitney U test and exact probability test.

Results: Fifty-five patients enrolled the study. Most of them were male (63.6%). The mean age was 36.7±14.5 months (range 12– 60). The mean age at onset of wheezing was 22.5±13.1 months (range 5–50). Before and after the treatment, the median number of hospital visits due to severe recurrent wheezing decreased in both emergency room visits [2 (IQR 1–4) vs 0 (IQR 0–1) times/year respectively, p<0.001] and hospitalization [2 (IQR 1–3) vs 0 (IQR 0–0.5) times/year respectively, p<0.001). The median episode-free days increased from 38 days (IQR 9–87) to be 280 days (IQR 49–365, p<0.001).

Conclusion: The prophylactic intermittent treatment with inhaled budesonide via spacer could reduce the frequency of emergency room visits and hospitalizations due to severe recurrent wheezing in children ≤5 years old.

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How to Cite
Srisuriyatada, W. (2021). Frequency of Recurrent Wheezing in Children Aged within 5-Years Before and After Prophylactic Intermittent Treatment with Inhaled Budesonide. Lampang Medical Journal, 41(2), 68–74. retrieved from
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