Risk Behaviors for Hypertension among the Pgaz K’Nyau Villagers in Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand

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ณัจฉรีญา จิตจักร


Background: The prevalence of hypertension in the Mae Chaem District has been increasing in recent years. The largest population of this ethnic district has been in Pgaz K’Nyau. Two-thirds of these villagers over 35 years old have blood pressure levels revealing prehypertension.
Objective: To study the risk behaviors among the Pgaz K’Nyau villagers who have prehypertension blood pressure level.
Material and method: This descriptive study was conducted among 198 Pgaz K’Nyau villagers with prehypertension signs who lived in the service area of Mae Na Chon Health Promotion Hospital. The data was collected by using a 5 topic questionnaire of risk behaviors: harmful food consumption; lack of physical activity; tobacco consumption; alcohol consumption and; emotional stress.
Results: The mean age was 49.4 ± 10.4 years (range, 35-82) and 52% were male. Harmful food consumption behavior was found in 71.7% of the population studied. Lack of physical activity was found in 60.1% and consumption of tobacco was found in 43.9%, which showed moderate risk levels. Consumption of alcohol was found in 38.9%, which also showed moderate risk levels. Most of these villagers studied, 98.5% showed no issues from emotional stress.
Conclusion: Two of the most significant risks of prehypertension in the villagers of Pgaz K’Nyau were harmful food consumption and lack of physical activity. Mid-level risks were found with the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, and relatively no risk from emotional stress. Improvement of these risk behaviors could be successful by promoting knowledge of harmful foods, tobacco, and alcohol along with information of the devastating effects caused to the body from these. In addition, implementation of physical activity programs could also lessen the development of hypertension in this community.

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How to Cite
จิตจักร ณ. (2019). Risk Behaviors for Hypertension among the Pgaz K’Nyau Villagers in Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. Lampang Medical Journal, 40(1), 10–16. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LMJ/article/view/208967
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