Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst with Embedded Canine: a Case Report with Unusual Treatment Result

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นิพนธ์ ชัยศรีสุขอำพร


Calcifying odontogenic cyst is a rare benign odontogenic lesion of the jaws. It can be associated with an unerupted tooth. The author reports an unusual treatment result of a 16-year-old Thai female who had this cyst with embedded canine in the maxilla. She had painless swelling of left cheek for 3 weeks. Intra-oral examination revealed prolonged retention of tooth 63 and missing of tooth 23. Labial mucosa was swollen and rubbery. Radiographs demonstrated a well-defined radiolucent area in left canine fossa, 2 cm in diameter, with embedded tooth 23. The treatment included extraction of tooth 63, enucleation
of the cystic lesion and autologous transplantation of tooth 23 to the normal position. After conventional endodontic treatment and periodic follow-up for 4 years, the wound healed uneventfully and the region was free of symptoms. The x-rays showed normal bone trabeculation without signs of recurrence.

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How to Cite
ชัยศรีสุขอำพร น. (2015). Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst with Embedded Canine: a Case Report with Unusual Treatment Result. Lampang Medical Journal, 36(1), 35–45. retrieved from
Case Report


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