Development of Mechanical Ventilatory Patient Care in Lampang Hospital

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กรรวี ฟูเต็มวงค์
มลิวัลย์ มูลมงคล


Background: Mechanical ventilation is an advance technology life support for patients who have respiratory failure. There are variations for management and weaning of mechanical ventilator in Lampang Hospital.
Objective: To determine the implementing results of ventilator management protocol (VMP) in intensive care units (ICU) of Lampang Hospital.
Material and method: A quasi-experimental study was conducted on 321 consecutive adult patients receiving mechanical ventilation in 6 medical and surgical ICUs of Lampang Hospital. The registered nurse–driven VMP was implemented during 1-28 February 2015 and classified as intervention group (n=200). The control group (n=121) was conducted during 1-31 January 2015 before VMP implementation. Duration of mechanical ventilation, intubation period, weaning time, incidences of unplanned extubation, ventilator–associated pneumonia (VAP) and re-intubation rate within 48 hours were recorded. Self-assessment questionnaire were completed by the nurses. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and independent t-test.
Results: Duration of mechanical ventilation in both groups were 4.7 days equally (p=0.959). The intervention group had shorter intubation period (4.5 ± 5.6 vs 4.7 ± 5.3 days, p=0.826) and ventilator weaning time (15.1 ± 23.5 vs 30.8 ± 52.5 hours, p=0.020) than the control group. Incidences of unplanned extubation, VAP and re-intubation rate were lower in the intervention group (1.43 vs 0.76, 2.84 vs 0.76 per 1,000 intubation days and 3.3% vs 0.5% respectively). Nurse
satisfaction was relatively high in term of ease, time saving and convenience.                                                                                                                                              Conclusion: Implementation of VMP could reduce ventilator weaning time, unplanned extubation, VAP and re-intubation rate.

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How to Cite
ฟูเต็มวงค์ ก., & มูลมงคล ม. (2016). Development of Mechanical Ventilatory Patient Care in Lampang Hospital. Lampang Medical Journal, 37(1), 16–23. Retrieved from
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