The Effects of Self-efficacy Promoting Program on Knowledge and Self-Care Behaviors of Patients undergoing Cataract Surgery, Bangrakam Hospital, Phitsanulok Province
Main Article Content
This quasi-experimental research with a two-group pretest-posttest design aimed to examine the self-efficacy promoting program's effects on the knowledge and self-care behaviors of patients undergoing cataract surgery. The sample comprised 60 patients undergoing cataract surgery at Bangrakam Hospital, Phitsanulok Province. Samples were selected using the purposive sampling method and divided into an experimental and a control group, with 30 persons in each group. Research instruments included 1) the self-efficacy promoting program, 2) the cataract knowledge test, and 3) the self-care behavioral assessment form. The content validities were approved by three experts with IOC = .67-1.00, and the reliability of the second tool by K-R20 and the third tools by Cronbach alpha coefficient were .78 and .84, respectively. Data was analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Dependent t-test, and Independent- t-test.
The study's results found that after participating in the self-efficacy promotion program, The experimental group had knowledge scores about cataracts. and self-care behaviors better than before joining the program and better than the control group, with statistical significance at the .05 level.
This research showed that the self-efficacy promoting program helped to enhance the knowledge and self-care behaviors of patients undergoing cataract surgery. Therefore, nurses should use this program in other patients undergoing cataract surgery.
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