Effectiveness of Implementing the Behavioral Self-Control Training and Telephone Follow-Up Program Among Patients with Amphetamine Use Disorders in the Hospital Under Regional Health of the Galyarajanagarindra Institute

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Sukanya Phromprasert
Chalinee Suvanayos
Hunsa Sethabouppha


The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the Behavioral Self-Control Training and Telephone Follow-Up Program on patients with amphetamines use disorders during treatment at Ratchaburi Hospital's psychiatric ward. The 46 participants were purposively selected and included 20 persons with amphetamine use disorders, 20 relatives or caregivers of persons with amphetamine use disorders, and 6 nursing personnel teams. The instruments used in this study included 1) self-behavior training and phone tracking programs for patients with amphetamine use disorders, 2) a personal information questionnaire, 3) an amphetamine use assessment, and 4) satisfaction evaluation of treatment programs, treatment Analysis of data using descriptive statistical analysis and comparing mean of amphetamine days using with a t-test determines statistical significance at the level.05.

The results of this study revealed that after four weeks of attending the behavioral self-control training and telephone follow-up program, patients with amphetamine use disorders decreased their amphetamine use scores from 124 points to 12 points (t = 2.40, p-value = .0135). Abstinence days increased from 5 days in 2 weeks to 10 days in 2 weeks (t = 3.695, p-value = .001)

The study findings indicated that amphetamine use disorder while the average score, both for days of amphetamine use and days stopping were reduced. The nursing personnel team was satisfied with the program. Therefore, should be offered to people in this population. These programs can continue to be used and expanded in secondary hospitals.


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บทความวิจัย (Research articles)


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