ผลการใช้สื่อวีดิทัศน์ต่อพฤติกรรมการป้องกันฟันผุในนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาตอนปลาย ในจังหวัดตรัง

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ขวัญตา บุญวาศ


This quasi-experimental research aimed to study using a health education video on dental
caries preventive behaviors among school children grade 4-6 inTrang province. Sample was 60 students
that were randomly assigned in 2 groups (30 students / group), it is to say an experimental group and
a control group, by matching their age, gender, level of education, and result of dental examination
in the past year. The research instruments were: 1) the health education video about dental caries
preventive behaviors, 2) a questionnaire used for measuring the dental caries preventive behaviors
which was including 3 parts: knowledge, perceived self-efficacy with outcome expectancy, and practice
to prevent dental caries. Content validity of the research instruments was confirmed by a panel of three
experts. Reliability of the questionnaire was tested using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient yielding a value
of  0.82. Data were analyzed using percentage, standard deviation, and unpaired t-test
The results showed as follows
1. After the trial, the experimental group had mean score of the dental caries preventive
behaviors significantly higher than the control group (p<.05).
2. After the trial, the experimental group had mean score of the dental caries preventive
behaviors in term of knowledge, perceived self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, and practices to
prevent dental caries significantly higher than before the trial (p<.05).

Article Details

บทความวิจัย (Research articles)


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