Publication Ethics

Roles and responsibilities of authors

1. Authors must certify that their manuscript is their original work and has not been previously published elsewhere

2. Authors must refer to the works of other authors. Additionally, They have to make list of references at the end of the article if those works are used in academic work or research results.

3. Authors must write the manuscript correctly according to the format guide in “Manuscript Preparation”.

4. Authors whose names appear in the article should be actively involved in the research work.

5. Authors must report the research work honestly without any fabrication, falsification or data manipulation.

6. Authors must list all sources of funding received for the research article.


Duties of Editors

1. Editors are responsible for evaluating the quality of a manuscript for publication in the journal.

2. Providing that editors detect any plagiarism of other works during the evaluation process, they must halt the evaluation processes and contact authors spontaneously to request clarification or justification for consideration of paper acceptance or rejection.

3. Editors must not reject a paper for publication solely on the basis of their suspicion or uncertainty; they must supply sound evidence to justify such doubt.

4. Editors must not reject a paper for publication solely on the basis of their suspicion or uncertainty; they must supply sound evidence to justify such doubt.

5. Editors must not disclose information of authors and article evaluators to other unrelated persons during the article evaluation period.

6. Editors must decide to select articles for publication after they have passed the article evaluation process. Considering the newness, clarity and consistency of the content and the journal's policy are important.

7. Editors must have a management system which is not in conflict of interest with authors and reviewers as well as the editorial board.


Duties of reviewers

1. Treat manuscripts they received for review as confidential documents and shall not disclose any information contained in the article while it has not been published.

2. Assess the quality of articles objectively, without any prejudice.

3. Not suggest that the author include any references with the intention to increase the citation count of their work or that of their associates.

4. Submit the review result on time.

5. Declare any conflicts of interest they may have with the author or the research project to the editorial team.

6. Inform the editorial team of any ethical issues in the article including plagiarism and data fabrication or falsification.


Ethics in publishing research in journals

1. All content of articles published in journals, author of the work has thought, researched, reviewed, analyzed, summarized, compiled and cite information by the author himself. The editorial team is not responsible.

2. An article published in this journal must not have been published anywhere else and is not in the process of being proposed for publication in other journals.

3. Research relating to humans or laboratory animals must be certified through the ethics of human and laboratory research and must submit evidence to the journal.