Creating and validating of preliminary health and safety survey (HS) form for a Thai university
Health and safety survey, Simple measurement, UniversityAbstract
This research and development study design was aimed to creating and validating create of preliminary health and safety survey (HS) form for a Thai university. There were steps for reviewing the literature, creating, and evaluating surveys form. The sample group of this study consisted of 7 expert examiners and 30 experimental subjects. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed. The results of the study found that 1) the process of reviewing the literature, examined the ScienceDirect and PubMed databases, and found 374 studies selected from titles and abstracts relevant to the study's topic. Six of them passed the quality assessment according to the principles of PICOs. 2) The survey was created based on the safety model in three part of higher education institutions: safety culture, safety environment, and safety policy, and considering the items questions of 6 research studies that passed the quality selection and obtained a survey consisting of 27 items. 3) Evaluation, the HS survey was validated using an index of item objective congruence (IOC) according to the objectives, academic content, and language used by 7 experts in occupational health and safety. The usability of the questionnaire was assessed in groups of 15 people in occupational health and safety professionals’ group and the general public group. The Cronbach's alpha reliability of the overall questionnaire was found to be 0.756. And when comparing the survey scores of the two groups, it was found that there was no difference. In conclusion, this survey can be used by both occupational health knowledge groups and the general public. However, further study should be carried out to determine the predictive validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability.
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บทความ ข้อมูล เนื้อหา รูปภาพ ฯลฯ ที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ในวารสารการแพทย์และสาธารณสุข มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี ถือเป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของวารสารการแพทย์และสาธารณสุข มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี กองบรรณาธิการไม่สงวนสิทธิ์ในการคัดลอกเพื่อการพัฒนางานด้านวิชาการ แต่ต้องได้รับการอ้างอิงที่ถูกต้องเหมาะสม