The relationship between knowledge and attitudes with food consumption behavior of the elderly, Wang Saphung subdistrict, Loei province


  • Suradech Chaitokkia Faculty of Science and Technology, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Wannee Ponsa Faculty of Science and Technology, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Kanathon Charoenkhun Faculty of Science and Technology, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Sasithon Thanyaprakob Faculty of Science and Technology, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Nittaya Sriwicha Faculty of Science and Technology, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Wanpen Nasok Faculty of Science and Technology, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Maniga Yusamran Faculty of nursing, Mahasarakham University


Knowledge, Attitude, Food consumption behaviors, Elderly


This cross-sectional descriptive research aimed to: 1) assess the levels of knowledge about food consumption, attitudes toward food consumption, and food consumption behaviors among the elderly; and 2) explore the relationships between knowledge about food consumption, attitudes toward food consumption, and food consumption behaviors of the elderly. The sample group comprised 254 elderly individuals from Wang Saphung subdistrict, Loei Province. Data were collected through interviews conducted between June and July 2022. The reliability of the research instrument was tested using the Kuder-Richardson (KR-20) method for knowledge about food consumption (0.84), and Cronbach's alpha coefficient for attitudes toward food consumption (0.82) and food consumption behaviors (0.86). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Relationship analysis employed Pearson's correlation coefficient. The study revealed that the majority of the sample group had a high level of knowledge about food consumption (63.0%), while attitudes toward food consumption (93.3%) and food consumption behaviors (99.2%) were both at moderate levels. Notably, knowledge about food consumption showed a weak negative correlation with food consumption behaviors of the elderly (r = -.158, p = 0.012), whereas attitudes toward food consumption demonstrated a moderate positive correlation with food consumption behaviors of the elderly (r = .506, p < 0.001). Based on these results, it is recommended to implement policies or activities that enhance positive attitudes toward food consumption to encourage appropriate eating behaviors among the elderly, thereby promoting better health and nutritional status.


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How to Cite

Chaitokkia, S., Ponsa, W., Charoenkhun, K., Thanyaprakob, S., Sriwicha, N., Nasok, W., & Yusamran, M. (2024). The relationship between knowledge and attitudes with food consumption behavior of the elderly, Wang Saphung subdistrict, Loei province. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 7(3), 175–184. Retrieved from



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