Characteristics of particulate matter emissions from a ten-year-old diesel pickup truck in laboratory driving simulations


  • Natthaphong Chaiyakham Institute of Public Health, Suranaree University of Technology
  • Pongsit Boonruksa Institute of Public Health, Suranaree University of Technology
  • Kewalee Prompiputtanapon The Center for Scientific and Technological Equipment, Suranaree University of Technology
  • Kiattisak Batsungnoen Institute of Public Health, Suranaree University of Technology


Particulate matter, PM2.5, Particulate emissions from diesel pick-up truck engines, Particulate matter concentration, Driving simulation


This study aimed to investigate the emissions of particulate matter (PM) from the combustion of a 10-year-old diesel pickup truck under simulated driving conditions of urban and extra-urban cycles according to the United Nations Regulation 83 (UN R83) standard. The real-time monitoring of PM concentrations was measured using a Portable Aerosol Spectrometer Dust Detector (PAS, GRIMM model 11D) for TSP, PM10, PM4, PM2.5, PM1, inhalable dust, thoracic dust, and respirable dust. The results showed that driving in urban and extra-urban conditions released high average concentrations of TSP (46.72 µg/m³ and 43.05 µg/m³, respectively) and inhalable dust (46.25 µg/m³ and 41.93 µg/m³, respectively). Most of the PM concentration emitted during both driving conditions increased when accelerating driving speeds and decreased when decelerating driving speeds. However, during a deceleration step of 100-0 km/h in extra-urban conditions, the concentrations of TSP, Inhalable dust, and Thoracic dust slightly increased. It may result from particle accumulations in the exhaust system and the PMs are released during deceleration. Although the concentration comparison showed no significant difference between urban and extra-urban conditions, driving patterns with frequently abrupt speed changes led to an inefficient engine operation, causing higher PM emissions. Therefore, reducing driving behavior with sudden and frequent speed changes, improving the traffic system, and efficiently planning traffic routes can reduce the release of PM emissions from vehicles into the atmosphere.


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How to Cite

Chaiyakham, N., Boonruksa, P., Prompiputtanapon, K. ., & Batsungnoen, K. (2024). Characteristics of particulate matter emissions from a ten-year-old diesel pickup truck in laboratory driving simulations. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 7(2), 117–128. retrieved from



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