Hearing loss among handloom weavers; Pakthongchai, Nakhon Ratchasima
Noise exposure, Hearing Loss, Handloom weaver, Intermittent noiseAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine noise exposure and hearing loss among weavers at two textile mills in Pak Thongchai. Statistical analysis was also used to investigate the comparative study of noise exposure among weavers using wooden and steel weaving, as well as the relationship between noise exposure (Max & Peak) and noise level of octave band frequencies (500 – 2,000 Hz) from wooden and steel hand-weaving. There were 12 weavers with over 20 years of experience. Over an 8-hour working period, the wooden and steel handloom weavers were subjected to noise levels of 61.3±9.4 and 62.4±14.7 dBA, respectively, which did not exceed the regulation limit (85 dBA for 8 hours). Also, the independent sample t-test results revealed that the noise exposure levels from both handloom weavings were not different (t = 0.03, p-value = 0.976). Further characteristics of several noise sources were identified in the intermittent noise, which demonstrated a cycle of high and low noise levels. When Pearson’s correlation and Spearman’s rank correlation were performed, noise levels in the 500 -2,000 Hz range were associated with Max and Peak levels (p-value < 0.05). According to the hearing level based on the speech frequency (500 – 2,000 Hz range), 50% of weavers have mild hearing impairments. These can be determined disorders of the middle ear, cochlea, auditory nerve, and brainstem pathway. Furthermore, the degree of hearing loss in the better ear (500 – 6,000 Hz) was classified in workers. There was hearing loss in as much as 66.8% of 12 weavers, with mild to severe hearing loss. Therefore, the company owner should have plans to monitor noise level and noise characterization (maximum and peak level), implement health surveillance, and perform annual health checks for weavers. Moreover, hearing protective equipment should be provided as a preliminary management for weavers.
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