Development of a participatory network model of partners in health care for social-bound elderly in the Kanchan sub-district health-promoting hospital, Dong Kammed sub-district, Khukhan district, Sisaket Province


  • Pemika Chaisrisa M.P.H. in Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • Songkhramchai Leethongdeesku Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • Wirote Semrum Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Health Office


Model, Participation, Network, Social-bound elderly


This action research aims to study the development of the participatory network model in health care for social-bound elderly in the Kanchan sub-district health-promoting hospital, Dong Kammed sub-district, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province. The sample group consisted of local government organizations, community leaders, elderly families, villagers, the directors of sub-district health promoting hospitals, and health officers, arriving to a total of 41 people. The research utilizes the Kemmis & McTaggart (PAOR) process, which consists of three cycles, each comprising four steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data analysis involves data collection, categorization, content analysis, and evaluation of the model's outcomes by comparing the average scores before and after using the paired t-test statistical method. The research findings reveal that the participatory network model in health care for social-bound elderly in Kanchan sub-district health-promoting hospital, Dong Kammed sub-district, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province contributes to 1) value creation, 2) health literacy, 3) family relationships, 4) family caregivers, 5) basic life support, and 6) networking. The experimental results demonstrate significant differences in the average scores of knowledge, perception, and involvement in the healthcare of elderly individuals after the implementation of the participatory network model, with a statistical significance level of 0.05. The developed model enhances the potential of the healthcare network for elderly individuals in the area of the Kanchan sub-district health-promoting hospital, Dong Kammed sub-district, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province, in line with the set objectives.


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How to Cite

Chaisrisa, P., Leethongdeesku, S., & Semrum, W. (2023). Development of a participatory network model of partners in health care for social-bound elderly in the Kanchan sub-district health-promoting hospital, Dong Kammed sub-district, Khukhan district, Sisaket Province. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 6(3), 170–179. Retrieved from



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